# Steven Fan - A [[person]] - [[twitter]] twitter.com/_stevenfan - Very nice, seems kind. - A [[meditator]]. - Part of [[abstract fairy]]'s [[zulip]]. ## [[2021-12-01]] - Greetings finally! - [[background]] - [[steven fan]] biochemistry and mathematics - work experience in biology labs - founded a [[maker space]] - in [[portland]] - tried a startup - working as a PM currently - [[mapping]] the space together. - learnt the potential of mapping through analyzing organizations - see https://learnwardleymapping.com - Longer term vision. - [[push]] [[steven simple future map]] - [[miro]] https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lj6DdTc=/?invite_link_id=106365960220 - [[solarpunk]] - [[sustainable]] future - people are emotionally supportive - [[local]] - [[design patterns]] - we need [[organizations]] that are willing and able to act this way - most are built on dominance, hierarchies, nationalism - some companies like Twitter are relatively successful at fostering community - growing media that allows people to [[vibe]] - [[exit to community]] - [[compost]] - shared [[goals]]? next steps? - [[maps]] - [[mapping the fediverse]]? - [[timeline of the future]]